Our Mission

At Clean Up Westchester, our mission is rooted in community collaboration and driven by a vision for a cleaner, more vibrant Westchester. Founded by dedicated local resident Grant Francis, our initiative has grown into a powerful force for positive change.

With a deep commitment to our neighborhood, we organize regular clean-up events that inspire Westside neighbors to work together to enhance our shared environment. Guided by Grant's passion and tireless efforts, Clean Up Westchester has become a symbol of unity and active participation in shaping our community's future.

Our story began with a small group of volunteers driven by a desire to make a meaningful impact. Since our inception, we've hosted successful clean-up days, with our most recent event drawing an impressive crowd of 35 dedicated volunteers. Their commitment to picking up trash and debris along Sepulveda Boulevard demonstrates the power of collective action.

Beyond clean-ups, Clean Up Westchester fosters partnerships with local businesses like The Coffee Company, Westchester Eye Care Center, and many more that share our commitment to community betterment. With their support, we provide volunteers with essential supplies and bright yellow T-shirts, a symbol of our united effort.

As a community-driven initiative, Clean Up Westchester is a testament to the spirit of giving back. Grant's journey, from his initial idea to this impactful movement, showcases the strength of Westchester's residents when they come together. Our mission is clear: to create a cleaner, more appealing neighborhood that reflects the pride and dedication of our community members.".

Goal One

Neighborhood Beautification: Our primary goal is to transform Westchester into a cleaner, more visually appealing neighborhood. By organizing regular clean-up events, we aim to eliminate litter and debris from our streets, parks, and public spaces, creating an environment that all residents can take pride in.

Goal Two

Community Engagement: We strive to foster a sense of unity and camaraderie among Westchester residents. Through our clean-up initiatives, we provide a platform for neighbors to connect, collaborate, and actively contribute to the betterment of our community. By working together, we strengthen the bonds that make our neighborhood special.

Goal Three

Environmental Stewardship: Our commitment extends beyond aesthetics – we are dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and responsibility. By reducing litter and waste in our area, we aim to create a healthier and more sustainable environment for our residents. Through education and action, we aspire to inspire practices that contribute to a cleaner and greener Westchester for generations to come.